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Over the course of a semester, we will learn how to apply our kinesiology education through the following three areas of focus:

​1. As the individual student
2. As the community leader
3. As the health professional

Vitruvian Men


There will be a total of three general body meetings held over the course of an academic semester, called Kinect Meetings.  Each meeting will have its agenda based around the development of one of the above areas of focus.

There will also be other events over the course of the semester, called Kinect Events. These events will take the form of team building, service, or professional development and will further enhance the application of the above areas.

Week 1-5:
Focus:  The individual student.
Kinect Meeting Theme:  The importance of health and fitness of the individual will be exemplified through social interaction.
Kinect Meeting Agenda:  Group fitness activities

Week 6-10:
Focus:  T​he health professional.
Kinect Meeting Theme:  Combining the importance of health & fitness within an individual and becoming a community leader enhances our ability to become a better health professional.
Kinect Meeting Agenda: Professionals from various disciplines present and meet with the club.


Week 11-15:
Focus:  The community leader.
Kinect Meeting Theme:  V​alue of servicing the community.
Kinect Meeting Agenda:  A community leader speaks to the club followed by a community-service activity (i.e. making care packages for a local hospital)

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